
Puppy Chained Up for Months Lives In Luxury Now

Meet Boggle, an adorable puppy who was once a victim of severe neglect and abuse. Her life was filled with nothing but misery and suffering until kind-hearted people intervened to rescue her. Join us on an inspiring journey as we witness Boggle's incredible transformation from a malnourished and frightened dog to a happy and healthy pup.

Boggle was born and raised in a filthy environment, surrounded by chicken poop, spoiled food, and dirty water. Her owner, a tough and uncaring man, neglected her well-being, leaving Boggle to fend for herself in deplorable conditions. Fortunately, animal rescue organizations stepped in to help her and rescue her from this abusive situation.

Boggle's Rescue and Road to Recovery:

The rescuers faced a perilous situation but persisted, convincing the owner to give up ownership. They purchased Boggle and whisked her away from the terrible place she called home. At first, Boggle was fearful and timid, but with time, patience, and love, she began to trust her rescuers. The chain around her neck was so tight that they couldn't even fit their fingers in between. But with love and care, Boggle began to experience many firsts, including her first blanket, her first clean water, and her first insect repellent. She was finally free from the terrible leash and felt warmth and kindness for the first time in her life.

A veterinarian examined her and decided to wait a few days before starting treatment. Over time, Boggle began to gain weight, learned to walk, and play with other puppies.

Boggle's New Life:

Boggle's transformation was complete when a loving family in the US adopted her. She was given a new name and enjoyed a life filled with love and happiness. Boggle loved chasing birds and gophers and even climbed trees with ease. She was finally free from her painful past and became one of the happiest dogs in the world.

Watch the video below for the full story! 

Article Sources: Youtube - Dublin Shelter | Instagram  (Rescuer: carwashdogs)


Youtube video
