
He laid crying in the snow hole quietly waiting to diҽ after being ѕhσt

Image/Story Source Credit: Animal Shelter via YouTube Video

Mishka was about 7-8 years old, he was found in a snow hole. To this day I can't forget the eyes he looked at me then There was sadness and desperation, he wanted to give up And when we got to the vet it was still those eyes My heart was broken how could I help him? The doctor said there was a bullet in the spine so he couldn't get out, why should a stray and harmless dog be like that? There was still a chance for Mishka and I wouldn't give up we would help him out of this nightmare. 

After days of discussion, the surgeons concluded that surgery should not be performed and we transferred him to the rehabilitation center. The main task was to relieve him of the pain and give him gentle exercises to avoid muscle wasting. On the 3rd day, he worked really hard to practice.

His training time had also been extended. Mishka was raised so that he could learn to put his feet on the ground. But when I looked at his face, I saw that he was always sad. Then he was put into training with the ball . It was a really difficult time for him and the doctors .  After training, he was so tired that he just wanted to lie down.

His daily recovery will be a great motivation for us to keep fighting. Believe me, he'll be walking again soon. I believe that love and energy do extraordinary things. And Mishka is proof of that. Thank you!

Watch the video below for the full story! 

Special Thanks To Rescuer:  Zooshiza Svetka 💚
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Thanks to the channel : Animal Rescue ❤️

Youtube video